Almighty God, Father of all mercies and fountain of all goodness, I thank you for the splendours of the entire creation, for the beauty of this world, for the wonders of life, and for the mystery of love.I thank you for the blessing of family and friends and for your loving care which surrounds me on every side.
I thank you for setting me tasks which demand my best efforts and for leading me to accomplishments, which satisfy and delight the people. I thank you for disappointments and failures that lead me to acknowledge my dependence on you alone.
I thank you gracious God, that by your grace, you have called me in this world to a Godly fellowship of faith; bless me, my wife, my children, my parents, family and friends, and all your people.
Grant that your word may be truly preached and truly heard, your sacraments be rightly administered and faithfully received. By your Spirit, fashion my life according to the example of your son, and grant me the will to show the power of your love to all among whom I live; through Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour. AMEN!!!