Do you know God? Please think very well before you answer the question. I am not asking you if you know God by what your Pastor told you about Him, or what you heard of Him from your friend. I am asking you if you can answer that question like David did in vs. 1a..."O God, You are my God...".
Friend, it takes a personal knowledge and revelation to know God. Its not by mere rhetoric and slogan. The God we serve is a personal God. Its either you know him personally, that is, on a personal level or you don't know him at all. God is seeking for those who will come to a personal knowledge of Him so He can make them a wonder to their generation. To know Him is to seek Him, its for you soul to thirst for Him and for your flesh to long for Him-vs.1b.
Beloved, God can only be introduce to you but it takes a personal longing to get to know Him. If you want to experience power, favour, Glory and abundant life you have to LOOK for Him- Psl 3:2. You can't serve this God on the platform of another man's revelation. The best any man can do for you is to preach Him to you, but to experience the workings of God in your life; it takes a personal work and walk with Him.
Hear what David said, "because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise you-vs.3. It takes a man that have experienced God to make such a statement. When you know God, you know what LOVE is. Love is God personified, and to experience that kind of love from God to the extent that you know its better than life, you must have touched God's heart. Are you ready to seek Him and know Him today? Do you want to experience His abundant love today?
Declare it loudly; Father, I want to know you!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Do you often believe you have the will power to resist the devil and his evil machinations? Are you often tempted and you feel that, so far you've been able to resist the temptations by your will power? If you are in this category, am sorry to burst your bubble, your will power won't take you far in the long run.
Friend, the flesh is strong and powerful and its ability to resist evil is totally limited. Read vs 12-13..."Therefore, brethren, we are debtors-not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live". Believe me, the flesh will fail you! It takes heaven to send an angel to strengthen Jesus while praying before His cruxifiction.
The only guarantee to live a victorious life over sin and evil is to live in the Spirit. Its only the Spirit of God that guarantees you to live like the sons of God-vs. 14. When there is an in dwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in you, then you can live an overcomers life. Its only by the Spirit of God that you are no more under the bondage of fear and sin-vs. 15.
Beloved, its only by the spirit of God that you become as bold as a lion to resist temptation and sin because you are indeed a son of the Lion of the tribe of Judah!
Pray with me; Father, I choose to live in the Spirit!
Do you often believe you have the will power to resist the devil and his evil machinations? Are you often tempted and you feel that, so far you've been able to resist the temptations by your will power? If you are in this category, am sorry to burst your bubble, your will power won't take you far in the long run.
Friend, the flesh is strong and powerful and its ability to resist evil is totally limited. Read vs 12-13..."Therefore, brethren, we are debtors-not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live". Believe me, the flesh will fail you! It takes heaven to send an angel to strengthen Jesus while praying before His cruxifiction.
The only guarantee to live a victorious life over sin and evil is to live in the Spirit. Its only the Spirit of God that guarantees you to live like the sons of God-vs. 14. When there is an in dwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in you, then you can live an overcomers life. Its only by the Spirit of God that you are no more under the bondage of fear and sin-vs. 15.
Beloved, its only by the spirit of God that you become as bold as a lion to resist temptation and sin because you are indeed a son of the Lion of the tribe of Judah!
Pray with me; Father, I choose to live in the Spirit!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Gen 2:1-3..."Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were FINISHED. And on the SEVENTH day God ENDED His work which He had done and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done".
The God we serve is a God that finishes whatever He has started. I have got a good news for you today if you feel abandoned. Perhaps, you started a journey, or a project and it seems you got to the middle of the road and you are stuck. Don't despair because the God that you serve has a 'finishing mentality'. How dare you think you will not finish, that the journey or the project will not be concluded, that the journey or the project would not be accomplished?
You are created in His image, therefore you carry God's DNA. You have a finishing mentality like the God who created you. God FINISHED His work. He ENDED His work on the SEVENTH day (7 is a number of perfection). Even, your creation was perfected, you are fearfully and wonderfully created in His image, therefore, you have the innate ability to finish, bring to an end, and to perfection anything whatsoever you lay your hands upon to do.
Work with God in whatever you are doing. From the foundation of the world, all what you will do and accomplish in life have been finished and perfected on the cross of calvary. Jesus said, it is finished! Call those things that seems not as if they were and shame the devil and his host. You will finish that academic pursuit, that wedding plan would not just be a plan, you will finish it. That building project would be finished. You will finish that journey in the mighty name of Jesus!
The world is waiting for your manifestation therefore, you can't afford to loose steam. Common! Its time to finish up!
Confess it loudly; I will finish strong!
Gen 2:1-3..."Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were FINISHED. And on the SEVENTH day God ENDED His work which He had done and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done".
The God we serve is a God that finishes whatever He has started. I have got a good news for you today if you feel abandoned. Perhaps, you started a journey, or a project and it seems you got to the middle of the road and you are stuck. Don't despair because the God that you serve has a 'finishing mentality'. How dare you think you will not finish, that the journey or the project will not be concluded, that the journey or the project would not be accomplished?
You are created in His image, therefore you carry God's DNA. You have a finishing mentality like the God who created you. God FINISHED His work. He ENDED His work on the SEVENTH day (7 is a number of perfection). Even, your creation was perfected, you are fearfully and wonderfully created in His image, therefore, you have the innate ability to finish, bring to an end, and to perfection anything whatsoever you lay your hands upon to do.
Work with God in whatever you are doing. From the foundation of the world, all what you will do and accomplish in life have been finished and perfected on the cross of calvary. Jesus said, it is finished! Call those things that seems not as if they were and shame the devil and his host. You will finish that academic pursuit, that wedding plan would not just be a plan, you will finish it. That building project would be finished. You will finish that journey in the mighty name of Jesus!
The world is waiting for your manifestation therefore, you can't afford to loose steam. Common! Its time to finish up!
Confess it loudly; I will finish strong!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
It is quite ironical how a lot of people nowadays always think they have to be in total control of everything. Are you a control freak? Do you panic when it seems you are loosing control? In fact, many put in a lot of checks and balances, and plan, re-plan, strategies, re-strategies and do everything humanly possible to prevent failure and danger to themselves.
Are you afraid of the future that you freak out when it seems some things in your life is not measuring up to your projections? Here is a question for you; when you were not aware of your own existence as a human being, who was in control of your life that you so much plan for now? When you were born, I believe some babies did not make it to be born alive, were you the one who made it possible for you to be born? As a toddler, you took so many risk unknowingly that might have led to serious danger because you don't know better but yet, you were kept save.
Psalm 27:9-10..."But You (Lord) are He who took me out of the womb. You made me trust while on my mothers breast. I was cast upon You from my birth". Also, see Psalm 139:15-16..."My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed".
Friends, you have to ask for forgiveness if you have been too controlling of your life and your future. The one who created you, who formed you when you were not even aware of yourself is able to keep you and give you a secure and wonderful future, all you have to do is, trust Him! He promised in His word that; "I will engrave you in the hollow of my hands so that your walls shall continually be before me". Beloved, do you need a better assurance in life than this?
Pray with me; Father, I surrender all.
It is quite ironical how a lot of people nowadays always think they have to be in total control of everything. Are you a control freak? Do you panic when it seems you are loosing control? In fact, many put in a lot of checks and balances, and plan, re-plan, strategies, re-strategies and do everything humanly possible to prevent failure and danger to themselves.
Are you afraid of the future that you freak out when it seems some things in your life is not measuring up to your projections? Here is a question for you; when you were not aware of your own existence as a human being, who was in control of your life that you so much plan for now? When you were born, I believe some babies did not make it to be born alive, were you the one who made it possible for you to be born? As a toddler, you took so many risk unknowingly that might have led to serious danger because you don't know better but yet, you were kept save.
Psalm 27:9-10..."But You (Lord) are He who took me out of the womb. You made me trust while on my mothers breast. I was cast upon You from my birth". Also, see Psalm 139:15-16..."My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed".
Friends, you have to ask for forgiveness if you have been too controlling of your life and your future. The one who created you, who formed you when you were not even aware of yourself is able to keep you and give you a secure and wonderful future, all you have to do is, trust Him! He promised in His word that; "I will engrave you in the hollow of my hands so that your walls shall continually be before me". Beloved, do you need a better assurance in life than this?
Pray with me; Father, I surrender all.
Monday, August 27, 2012
The journey to the top is a personal endeavour. One of the greatest undoing of man is partial obedience. Its either you want to obey God or not. Man is the most difficult of all God's creation because we never follow God's direction/instruction whole heartedly.
Disobedience is an enemy of elevation and breakthrough. See Gen. 12:4..."So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him...". Compare this verse to vs.1..."Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house...". Now, the question is; why did Abram took LOT along? God's instruction is always very clear and concise, but man is always disobedient.
Friend, you don't go to the top with multitude and hangers on. This is not a call not to help family members and friends, but believe me, until you can carry yourself, you can't carry anyone. Further in this story it was revealed that Lot became a major problem for Abraham on the long run. Wisdom is profitable to direct. God in His infinite wisdom knows that for you to succeed in life, there must be a personal journey you have to undertake.
Bro & Sis, I don't know the baggage you are carrying along on your journey into destiny that has been slowing you down. It is time to drop it and travel light and faster so that you can achieve your God given goal. A lot of destinies have been aborted by enemy within because you are not sensitive in the spirit. You are carrying on with people who are enemies but appear as friends.
Beloved, it is time to offload! It is time to follow God's instruction to the letter so that your breakthrough can manifest.
Cry unto God today; Lord, I offload every baggage!
The journey to the top is a personal endeavour. One of the greatest undoing of man is partial obedience. Its either you want to obey God or not. Man is the most difficult of all God's creation because we never follow God's direction/instruction whole heartedly.
Disobedience is an enemy of elevation and breakthrough. See Gen. 12:4..."So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him...". Compare this verse to vs.1..."Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house...". Now, the question is; why did Abram took LOT along? God's instruction is always very clear and concise, but man is always disobedient.
Friend, you don't go to the top with multitude and hangers on. This is not a call not to help family members and friends, but believe me, until you can carry yourself, you can't carry anyone. Further in this story it was revealed that Lot became a major problem for Abraham on the long run. Wisdom is profitable to direct. God in His infinite wisdom knows that for you to succeed in life, there must be a personal journey you have to undertake.
Bro & Sis, I don't know the baggage you are carrying along on your journey into destiny that has been slowing you down. It is time to drop it and travel light and faster so that you can achieve your God given goal. A lot of destinies have been aborted by enemy within because you are not sensitive in the spirit. You are carrying on with people who are enemies but appear as friends.
Beloved, it is time to offload! It is time to follow God's instruction to the letter so that your breakthrough can manifest.
Cry unto God today; Lord, I offload every baggage!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Gen.12:4..."So Abram DEPARTED as the Lord had spoken to him..".
Until there is a departure on your side, there is no movement into destiny. Abram acted on God's instruction and departed, he made a total departure from his past and all the things that have held him down hitherto.
This is a call to you to make a total departure from your past, your old habits, old character and old philosophy of life. Where God is taken you can not accommodate your old ways of life. Abram had to depart from his idol worshipping past to embrace the worship of the almighty God. Bro & Sis, what is the idol that you worship in your heart and in your life? Is it money, fame, position, sex or your degrees? God is saying to you today; DEPART!
Friend, you can't mix and match with God, its either you want to serve God or not. There must be a total paradigm shift on your part in order for you to enjoy the totality of God's blessing. You can't afford to be neither hot nor cold, He said, He would spit you out of His mouth! I can assure you that being with Him is the greatest thing you will ever experience in life.
If you read vs. 1-3 again, you will see the promises of God to Abram which by extension is to you also. Are you still in doubt about your future? Don't just sing the slogan, 'Abraham blessing is mine'. Before that blessing can be yours you have a part to play. Play your part by DEPARTING and there after, enter into the highway of God's abundant blessing for your life.
Confess it loudly: I am departing!
Gen.12:4..."So Abram DEPARTED as the Lord had spoken to him..".
Until there is a departure on your side, there is no movement into destiny. Abram acted on God's instruction and departed, he made a total departure from his past and all the things that have held him down hitherto.
This is a call to you to make a total departure from your past, your old habits, old character and old philosophy of life. Where God is taken you can not accommodate your old ways of life. Abram had to depart from his idol worshipping past to embrace the worship of the almighty God. Bro & Sis, what is the idol that you worship in your heart and in your life? Is it money, fame, position, sex or your degrees? God is saying to you today; DEPART!
Friend, you can't mix and match with God, its either you want to serve God or not. There must be a total paradigm shift on your part in order for you to enjoy the totality of God's blessing. You can't afford to be neither hot nor cold, He said, He would spit you out of His mouth! I can assure you that being with Him is the greatest thing you will ever experience in life.
If you read vs. 1-3 again, you will see the promises of God to Abram which by extension is to you also. Are you still in doubt about your future? Don't just sing the slogan, 'Abraham blessing is mine'. Before that blessing can be yours you have a part to play. Play your part by DEPARTING and there after, enter into the highway of God's abundant blessing for your life.
Confess it loudly: I am departing!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Gen.12:2-3..."I will make you a GREAT NATION, I will bless you, and make your NAME great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you; and in you all the FAMILIES of the earth shall be blessed". I have often said that when God demands a river from you, He only wants to give you an ocean. The plan of God is to make you a great nation, why hold on to the small island in your hand?
In the above Bible passage, you can see the benefit of Abram's obeying the call of God eventually. You are a spiritual child of Abraham and God had promised that through him all the families of the earth shall be blessed. If you look very well with your spiritual eyes, you will realise that where God is taking you to is a great place compare to where you are.
In Gen. 12:1..."Get out of your country". In vs 2, the result of obeying that instruction is that; "I will make you a great nation". Where you are, you are insignificant, you are just a part of a crowd but God is saying; I want to birth a new nation through you. Also, in vs 1, God says; "get out from your family and from your father's house", and in vs 3, God promises him; "and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. It is even a disservice to your family not to answer the call of God. Also, God said, "I will make your name great" and 'Abram' became 'Abraham' and till today that name is synonymous with blessing and its known all over the. World. Why settle for less when God wants to make you a blessing to numerous families world wide?
Friend, destinies of numerous people are tied to yours, if you fail they will also fail. You can't afford to hold on to the small place you are. God is asking you to trust Him absolutely. Those that put their trust in Him will never fail.
Pray today; Father, I trust you to give me double for my trouble!
Gen.12:2-3..."I will make you a GREAT NATION, I will bless you, and make your NAME great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you; and in you all the FAMILIES of the earth shall be blessed". I have often said that when God demands a river from you, He only wants to give you an ocean. The plan of God is to make you a great nation, why hold on to the small island in your hand?
In the above Bible passage, you can see the benefit of Abram's obeying the call of God eventually. You are a spiritual child of Abraham and God had promised that through him all the families of the earth shall be blessed. If you look very well with your spiritual eyes, you will realise that where God is taking you to is a great place compare to where you are.
In Gen. 12:1..."Get out of your country". In vs 2, the result of obeying that instruction is that; "I will make you a great nation". Where you are, you are insignificant, you are just a part of a crowd but God is saying; I want to birth a new nation through you. Also, in vs 1, God says; "get out from your family and from your father's house", and in vs 3, God promises him; "and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. It is even a disservice to your family not to answer the call of God. Also, God said, "I will make your name great" and 'Abram' became 'Abraham' and till today that name is synonymous with blessing and its known all over the. World. Why settle for less when God wants to make you a blessing to numerous families world wide?
Friend, destinies of numerous people are tied to yours, if you fail they will also fail. You can't afford to hold on to the small place you are. God is asking you to trust Him absolutely. Those that put their trust in Him will never fail.
Pray today; Father, I trust you to give me double for my trouble!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Every blessing is always first preceded by an instruction. Our God is a God of order and organisation. That is why He does not look at faces but adherence to His instructions and principle. In Gen 12:1..."Now the Lord had said to Abram: Get out of your COUNTRY, from your FAMILY, and from your FATHER'S HOUSE to a land that I will show you". Please note in the first sentence that Abram is not just receiving this instruction for the first time; "Now the Lord had said to Abram". How many times have you received instruction but you refused to make a move? The greatest undoing of man is flouting instructions. Until you make a move, God will not move! He's waiting for you to move.
Also, the 3 major things that holds men down are; his country, his family and his fathers house. The greatest enemy of man is that of his household. God is a personal God and He wants to meet with you as an individual but for so long you've allowed the sentimentality of where you are and the people you are with to hold you down. You are too attached to your root but God is saying until there is a separation there is no lifting. God had been calling Abram but he was held down by the love of country, family and father's house whereas God want to make a nation out of him.
Friend, what do you have in your hand today that you can't give up? Until you detach yourself from some people in your family and circle of friends you can't receive the promises of God for your life. God is calling on you today to give up and give in to Him!
It is time to listen to that inner voice in you. The spirit of God is reinforcing the fact that it is time for your exodus to the promise land. Would you listen to the voice of God today?
Cry unto God today; Father, I am ready!
Every blessing is always first preceded by an instruction. Our God is a God of order and organisation. That is why He does not look at faces but adherence to His instructions and principle. In Gen 12:1..."Now the Lord had said to Abram: Get out of your COUNTRY, from your FAMILY, and from your FATHER'S HOUSE to a land that I will show you". Please note in the first sentence that Abram is not just receiving this instruction for the first time; "Now the Lord had said to Abram". How many times have you received instruction but you refused to make a move? The greatest undoing of man is flouting instructions. Until you make a move, God will not move! He's waiting for you to move.
Also, the 3 major things that holds men down are; his country, his family and his fathers house. The greatest enemy of man is that of his household. God is a personal God and He wants to meet with you as an individual but for so long you've allowed the sentimentality of where you are and the people you are with to hold you down. You are too attached to your root but God is saying until there is a separation there is no lifting. God had been calling Abram but he was held down by the love of country, family and father's house whereas God want to make a nation out of him.
Friend, what do you have in your hand today that you can't give up? Until you detach yourself from some people in your family and circle of friends you can't receive the promises of God for your life. God is calling on you today to give up and give in to Him!
It is time to listen to that inner voice in you. The spirit of God is reinforcing the fact that it is time for your exodus to the promise land. Would you listen to the voice of God today?
Cry unto God today; Father, I am ready!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Have you ever wondered like me, what is the benefit of serving God? Let's be real today dear friend, do you also wonder like me, what is in it for me? Especially, if things don't just add up in your life, yet you are serving and trusting God. Do you feel depressed about this sometimes? Am I talking to someone today? Can you relate to this line of thoughts? Please, take time to read Rev. 5:1-12.
Beloved, by accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour, you've become a heir and a joint heir with Christ. Who is an HEIR? It is a person inheriting a trait, inheritance or/and responsibility. You have been bought by the blood therefore, you have right because you have also been made right by the blood of Christ. By this conclusion, you have right to your fathers house and inheritance as a joint heir with Jesus Christ. See vs. 12..."saying with a loud voice: worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive POWER and RICHES and WISDOM and STRENGHT and HONOUR and GLORY and BLESSING".
Bro & Sis, who do you think Jesus received all the above for? For who did he die? Am sure He did not die for the angels, the devil or for Himself. He did not need these things. He received it all for ME and YOU! Hallelujah! In order words, what is the need in your life that He can't provide or meet? Why do you worry when your Father is the owner of a thousand cattle upon the hills! He created the heavens and the earth and all that is there in. Friend, I challenge you to change your mentality and look up to Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith.
Everything you will ever need in life has been retrieved back for you through the cross by His one perfect sacrifice. You are a HEIR why do you have the mentality of a slave? Stop wondering and start acting like son.
Throughout today, sing the song of vs. 13 made popular by Ron Kennoly and see God rise up for you and your situation*music*....blessing and honour, glory and unto the ancient of days...*music* O:) .
Have you ever wondered like me, what is the benefit of serving God? Let's be real today dear friend, do you also wonder like me, what is in it for me? Especially, if things don't just add up in your life, yet you are serving and trusting God. Do you feel depressed about this sometimes? Am I talking to someone today? Can you relate to this line of thoughts? Please, take time to read Rev. 5:1-12.
Beloved, by accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour, you've become a heir and a joint heir with Christ. Who is an HEIR? It is a person inheriting a trait, inheritance or/and responsibility. You have been bought by the blood therefore, you have right because you have also been made right by the blood of Christ. By this conclusion, you have right to your fathers house and inheritance as a joint heir with Jesus Christ. See vs. 12..."saying with a loud voice: worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive POWER and RICHES and WISDOM and STRENGHT and HONOUR and GLORY and BLESSING".
Bro & Sis, who do you think Jesus received all the above for? For who did he die? Am sure He did not die for the angels, the devil or for Himself. He did not need these things. He received it all for ME and YOU! Hallelujah! In order words, what is the need in your life that He can't provide or meet? Why do you worry when your Father is the owner of a thousand cattle upon the hills! He created the heavens and the earth and all that is there in. Friend, I challenge you to change your mentality and look up to Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith.
Everything you will ever need in life has been retrieved back for you through the cross by His one perfect sacrifice. You are a HEIR why do you have the mentality of a slave? Stop wondering and start acting like son.
Throughout today, sing the song of vs. 13 made popular by Ron Kennoly and see God rise up for you and your situation*music*....blessing and honour, glory and unto the ancient of days...*music* O:) .
Psalm 95:6-7--"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For He is our God, and we are the apple of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand".
Have you ever in your journey in life thought it fit to worship God for who He is and not for what He can do for you? Has your worship always been tied to the blessing you are expecting from Him? Friend, God created us for His pleasure, to worship Him, adore Him, rever Him and proclaim His power and relevance. The main reason why you have to worship Him is because He is a GREAT GOD!
Bro & Sis, in the place of true worship, that is, when you worship Him without any expectation but for the LOVE you have for Him, for who He is, in fact, that is where you get the most blessings. Paul and Silas worshipped Him and they received their freedom. Most of the things you have been praying for will only take a true worship of the almighty God for the answers to come down. Worship brings you into His throne room. Halleluyah!
Believe me friend, the only authentic duty of the house of God is to bring his glory down. His glory can only be brought down for you in an atmosphere of true worship. I challenge you start practising praise and worship here on earth because that's what surrounds His throne in heaven. The only ticket that grant you access before the throne of God is your ability to worship Him for who He is- Rev 5:11-12.
You may want to ask, how do I worship? You worship God:
1) With your word- call His acts, His names and His deeds- Psl 18.
2)With your songs- sing unto the Lord- Ex 15:1-2,11, Eph 5:19.
3) With your dance- Ex 15:20, Psl 149:3, 2Sam 6:14.
4)With a joyful shout- Psl 47:1,5, 100:1.
5) With your given- Psl 96:8-9, Ex 10:24.
6) With your service- Serving God with joy and gladness- Psl 84:10, John 4:10.
Make a conscious effort to worship Him today, there in lies your testimony!
Psalm 95:6-7--"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For He is our God, and we are the apple of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand".
Have you ever in your journey in life thought it fit to worship God for who He is and not for what He can do for you? Has your worship always been tied to the blessing you are expecting from Him? Friend, God created us for His pleasure, to worship Him, adore Him, rever Him and proclaim His power and relevance. The main reason why you have to worship Him is because He is a GREAT GOD!
Bro & Sis, in the place of true worship, that is, when you worship Him without any expectation but for the LOVE you have for Him, for who He is, in fact, that is where you get the most blessings. Paul and Silas worshipped Him and they received their freedom. Most of the things you have been praying for will only take a true worship of the almighty God for the answers to come down. Worship brings you into His throne room. Halleluyah!
Believe me friend, the only authentic duty of the house of God is to bring his glory down. His glory can only be brought down for you in an atmosphere of true worship. I challenge you start practising praise and worship here on earth because that's what surrounds His throne in heaven. The only ticket that grant you access before the throne of God is your ability to worship Him for who He is- Rev 5:11-12.
You may want to ask, how do I worship? You worship God:
1) With your word- call His acts, His names and His deeds- Psl 18.
2)With your songs- sing unto the Lord- Ex 15:1-2,11, Eph 5:19.
3) With your dance- Ex 15:20, Psl 149:3, 2Sam 6:14.
4)With a joyful shout- Psl 47:1,5, 100:1.
5) With your given- Psl 96:8-9, Ex 10:24.
6) With your service- Serving God with joy and gladness- Psl 84:10, John 4:10.
Make a conscious effort to worship Him today, there in lies your testimony!
Friday, August 17, 2012
1Sam 10:1-9. If you are destined to reign but you don't work on your heart, you won't be able to reign. The heart is what God is looking at and my question to you today is; what is the state of your heart? A futile heart is incapable of producing a great result. With a good heart there is no delay in testimony.
In the above Bible text especially vs 9, it says; "So it was when he (Saul) had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day". God had to touch Saul's heart for him to reign. Notice in that passage, Samuel already anointed Saul to be king with oil but until a change of heart, his reigning was not guaranteed. Also, the moment he got a change of heart, the bible says..."and all those signs came to pass that day".
Friend, the situation of your heart determines what you will have in your hand. If your heart is bad, the journey of life will not be easy- Ex 4:6. When your heart is bad, you will have idols of the heart and idols will prevent you from reigning. Until there is a change of heart like in Ezekiel 11:19 you can't reign. A proud heart can not flow with God- 1Sam 15:10-17. Your God is a God of the humble at heart.
Why not examine your heart today and make a conscious effort to ask God to give you a new heart so that you can reign in life. When you get a new heart, you may be tempted from outside but there is no sin inside. That which is coming from outside will not find an identification inside of your heart. You will be able to stand in times of testing and trials- Gal 5:17.
Cry unto God today; Lord give me a new heart!
1Sam 10:1-9. If you are destined to reign but you don't work on your heart, you won't be able to reign. The heart is what God is looking at and my question to you today is; what is the state of your heart? A futile heart is incapable of producing a great result. With a good heart there is no delay in testimony.
In the above Bible text especially vs 9, it says; "So it was when he (Saul) had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day". God had to touch Saul's heart for him to reign. Notice in that passage, Samuel already anointed Saul to be king with oil but until a change of heart, his reigning was not guaranteed. Also, the moment he got a change of heart, the bible says..."and all those signs came to pass that day".
Friend, the situation of your heart determines what you will have in your hand. If your heart is bad, the journey of life will not be easy- Ex 4:6. When your heart is bad, you will have idols of the heart and idols will prevent you from reigning. Until there is a change of heart like in Ezekiel 11:19 you can't reign. A proud heart can not flow with God- 1Sam 15:10-17. Your God is a God of the humble at heart.
Why not examine your heart today and make a conscious effort to ask God to give you a new heart so that you can reign in life. When you get a new heart, you may be tempted from outside but there is no sin inside. That which is coming from outside will not find an identification inside of your heart. You will be able to stand in times of testing and trials- Gal 5:17.
Cry unto God today; Lord give me a new heart!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Gen.2:15-"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep". Tend means, to attend to, to look after; watch over and care for. God put the man He created in a "location" called Eden to tend it, that is, to look after, watch over and care for it. Man is to take charge, to add value, and to package his destiny very well.
Friend, how are you looking after, watching over and caring for your own garden? Your garden is your destiny, its your sphere of influence, its the location of your reigning in life. Do you value it? What you don't value, men would not value. When you stop keeping the garden, enemies will creep in.
You need to come to the understanding of who you are. You are created in the image of God. The bible says; "you are fearfully and wonderfully created" to reign within your own location. Even, your enemy knows and acknowledge that as a child of God, you are a mighty man of valour. But how do you see yourself? It is important to keep and tend and prevent any loophole for the enemy to come in and steal your joy. Your ability to reign in life is based on your ability to tend, care and watch over where God has placed you in life.
You can't afford to live a careless and carefree life. In fact, that life of yours is not even yours! You will account for how you use, care and guard that life that God has given you. The moment you are not reigning, you have subjected other destinies tied to yours to failure. Friend, the world is waiting for your manifestation. Wake Up!
Declare it with me; I will tend my garden!
Gen.2:15-"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep". Tend means, to attend to, to look after; watch over and care for. God put the man He created in a "location" called Eden to tend it, that is, to look after, watch over and care for it. Man is to take charge, to add value, and to package his destiny very well.
Friend, how are you looking after, watching over and caring for your own garden? Your garden is your destiny, its your sphere of influence, its the location of your reigning in life. Do you value it? What you don't value, men would not value. When you stop keeping the garden, enemies will creep in.
You need to come to the understanding of who you are. You are created in the image of God. The bible says; "you are fearfully and wonderfully created" to reign within your own location. Even, your enemy knows and acknowledge that as a child of God, you are a mighty man of valour. But how do you see yourself? It is important to keep and tend and prevent any loophole for the enemy to come in and steal your joy. Your ability to reign in life is based on your ability to tend, care and watch over where God has placed you in life.
You can't afford to live a careless and carefree life. In fact, that life of yours is not even yours! You will account for how you use, care and guard that life that God has given you. The moment you are not reigning, you have subjected other destinies tied to yours to failure. Friend, the world is waiting for your manifestation. Wake Up!
Declare it with me; I will tend my garden!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
You are an ambassador of God on earth. God created man to represent Him on earth and to have dominion over the earth. There is a particular 'location' that God has destined you to reign. "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man He created"- Gen 2:8. The plan of God for you is to reign within the 'location' He has destined for you.
There is a location for every man, your location will determine your allocation. Before man was created, God made sure everything man would ever need is already prepared and in existence. Read Gen 2:5-10. You are not here by accident, God pre-planned your arrival, your location and your allocation. The only thing stopping you is you!
Friend, it is not when you were created that you were born. Its in your own garden (location) that you can reign. Its also in your own garden that you can get help meet suitable for you. If you appear before your time, you will disappear before your time.
If you are not reigning, check your location. You are created to be a King and rule and if you are not living as such, ask questions and seek the face of God. Ecl. 10:5-7..."There is an evil I have seen under the sun...folly is set in great dignity while the rich sit in a lowly place. I have seen servants on horses, while Princes walk on the ground like servants". Refuse this for your life and declare it loud and clear: I am born to reign!
You are an ambassador of God on earth. God created man to represent Him on earth and to have dominion over the earth. There is a particular 'location' that God has destined you to reign. "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man He created"- Gen 2:8. The plan of God for you is to reign within the 'location' He has destined for you.
There is a location for every man, your location will determine your allocation. Before man was created, God made sure everything man would ever need is already prepared and in existence. Read Gen 2:5-10. You are not here by accident, God pre-planned your arrival, your location and your allocation. The only thing stopping you is you!
Friend, it is not when you were created that you were born. Its in your own garden (location) that you can reign. Its also in your own garden that you can get help meet suitable for you. If you appear before your time, you will disappear before your time.
If you are not reigning, check your location. You are created to be a King and rule and if you are not living as such, ask questions and seek the face of God. Ecl. 10:5-7..."There is an evil I have seen under the sun...folly is set in great dignity while the rich sit in a lowly place. I have seen servants on horses, while Princes walk on the ground like servants". Refuse this for your life and declare it loud and clear: I am born to reign!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Jer 1:11-12..."Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 'Jeremiah, what do you see?' And I said, 'I see a branch of an almond tree'. Then, the Lord said to me, 'you have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word."
How far can you see? It is the extent of what you can see that you can be. What you see is what you become. Do you see yourself as a failure or as a success? Do you see yourself as a victor or a looser? Friend, God would not do for man what man can do for himself. A lot of people have eyes but they can not see. In the text above, God asked Jeremiah, "what do you see?" Likewise, today God is asking you the same question because your answer will determine where destiny will take you.
Jeremiah answered, "I see a branch of an almond tree" and the Lord said, "you have seen well...". What you tell God that you see is what He will put in your hand. An almond tree is a type of plant that bears fruit in all season, that is, all through the year. Jeremiah saw a life of abundance all through the year, and God told him, He is ready to perform His word.
The plan and purpose of God is for you to prosper all year round and in all season of your life but until you can key into His will for your life, and see yourself the way God sees you, you are still far from becoming a candidate for a victorious life. Friend, your reigning in life is determined by how far your eye of faith can see. God is ready to perform His word but can you see it? God is waiting for you to see it and confess it so that there can be a performance of His word upon your life.
Declare it loudly; Father I can see abundance life!
Jer 1:11-12..."Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 'Jeremiah, what do you see?' And I said, 'I see a branch of an almond tree'. Then, the Lord said to me, 'you have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word."
How far can you see? It is the extent of what you can see that you can be. What you see is what you become. Do you see yourself as a failure or as a success? Do you see yourself as a victor or a looser? Friend, God would not do for man what man can do for himself. A lot of people have eyes but they can not see. In the text above, God asked Jeremiah, "what do you see?" Likewise, today God is asking you the same question because your answer will determine where destiny will take you.
Jeremiah answered, "I see a branch of an almond tree" and the Lord said, "you have seen well...". What you tell God that you see is what He will put in your hand. An almond tree is a type of plant that bears fruit in all season, that is, all through the year. Jeremiah saw a life of abundance all through the year, and God told him, He is ready to perform His word.
The plan and purpose of God is for you to prosper all year round and in all season of your life but until you can key into His will for your life, and see yourself the way God sees you, you are still far from becoming a candidate for a victorious life. Friend, your reigning in life is determined by how far your eye of faith can see. God is ready to perform His word but can you see it? God is waiting for you to see it and confess it so that there can be a performance of His word upon your life.
Declare it loudly; Father I can see abundance life!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Gal. 6:7..."Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap".
Many are yet to get to the fullness of God's plan for their lives because of their inability to release from that which the Lord has given them. Are you tight fisted and think its your knowledge and ability that has brought you to where you are or given you what you have today? Meanwhile, God only want to take a river from you and give you an ocean.
Friends, some things in your hand is a seed but you are seeing it as a fruit. A seed is meant to be sown not eaten. Ignorance and greed has ripped many of their inheritance. If God can't trust you with little, how can He trust you with abundance? Note Deut. 26:2.."That you shall take some of the first of all produce of the ground, which you shall bring from you land that the Lord your God is giving you, and put it in a basket and go to the place where the Lord your God chooses to make His name abide". You can't out give God. He wants you to give for your own sake, not for Himself. He created the heavens and the earth and all there in, therefore, your given is to provoke your blessing.
I believe God is ministering to someone today. Remember the widow of Zaraphath and her son? She thought what was in her hand was a fruit to be eaten and die, not knowing it was a seed to provoke a ceaseless flow of blessing and life for her and her son- Lk4:26. Immediately she released the seed in her hand to Prophet Elijah, she entered into an ocean of blessing. What is in your hand today that you are thinking its a fruit to be eaten? Don't let greed make you eat your blessing. Surrender it and enter into a new life of abundance and ceaseless flow of God's blessing.
Say it to yourself; Father, I am releasing my seed!
Gal. 6:7..."Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap".
Many are yet to get to the fullness of God's plan for their lives because of their inability to release from that which the Lord has given them. Are you tight fisted and think its your knowledge and ability that has brought you to where you are or given you what you have today? Meanwhile, God only want to take a river from you and give you an ocean.
Friends, some things in your hand is a seed but you are seeing it as a fruit. A seed is meant to be sown not eaten. Ignorance and greed has ripped many of their inheritance. If God can't trust you with little, how can He trust you with abundance? Note Deut. 26:2.."That you shall take some of the first of all produce of the ground, which you shall bring from you land that the Lord your God is giving you, and put it in a basket and go to the place where the Lord your God chooses to make His name abide". You can't out give God. He wants you to give for your own sake, not for Himself. He created the heavens and the earth and all there in, therefore, your given is to provoke your blessing.
I believe God is ministering to someone today. Remember the widow of Zaraphath and her son? She thought what was in her hand was a fruit to be eaten and die, not knowing it was a seed to provoke a ceaseless flow of blessing and life for her and her son- Lk4:26. Immediately she released the seed in her hand to Prophet Elijah, she entered into an ocean of blessing. What is in your hand today that you are thinking its a fruit to be eaten? Don't let greed make you eat your blessing. Surrender it and enter into a new life of abundance and ceaseless flow of God's blessing.
Say it to yourself; Father, I am releasing my seed!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Deut 20:1
Are you been harassed by enemies? Do you have a wicked boss tormenting your life? Are you afraid of the adversary? In fact, to put it succinctly, are you afraid of the future? Today, I come to you with assurance; don't look at their faces!
The devil is "like" a roaring lion going to and fro upon the earth looking for whom to devour. Firstly, you are not a prey to the devil. Secondly, the devil is not a lion, its only "like" a lion. Do you know who you are? Do you know your identity? You are a son/daughter of the lion of the tribe of Judah! (Can you see the difference between been a lion and 'like' a lion?) The son/daughter of a lion is a lion. Have you ever seen a lion been afraid of his enemy? You have Gods DNA in you, you can't be afraid of any demon from the pit of hell.
See the text today, "when you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be AFRAID of them; for the LORD your God is with you...". There can be no assurance greater than this. His word will not fall to the ground or return unto Him void. Be bold like a lion that you are, face whatever it is that is harassing your life head long in spiritual warfare because your victory was guaranteed over 2000 years ago on the cross in Golgotha.
"He who dwell in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in Him I will trust"-Psalm 91:1-2. When you trust God absolutely, He will fight your battle and deliver you from every aggression of the enemy. You just trust Him!
Now, repeat this after me with boldness; "I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around"-Psalm 3:6.
Like a lion that you are shout it; I am victorious!
Deut 20:1
Are you been harassed by enemies? Do you have a wicked boss tormenting your life? Are you afraid of the adversary? In fact, to put it succinctly, are you afraid of the future? Today, I come to you with assurance; don't look at their faces!
The devil is "like" a roaring lion going to and fro upon the earth looking for whom to devour. Firstly, you are not a prey to the devil. Secondly, the devil is not a lion, its only "like" a lion. Do you know who you are? Do you know your identity? You are a son/daughter of the lion of the tribe of Judah! (Can you see the difference between been a lion and 'like' a lion?) The son/daughter of a lion is a lion. Have you ever seen a lion been afraid of his enemy? You have Gods DNA in you, you can't be afraid of any demon from the pit of hell.
See the text today, "when you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be AFRAID of them; for the LORD your God is with you...". There can be no assurance greater than this. His word will not fall to the ground or return unto Him void. Be bold like a lion that you are, face whatever it is that is harassing your life head long in spiritual warfare because your victory was guaranteed over 2000 years ago on the cross in Golgotha.
"He who dwell in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in Him I will trust"-Psalm 91:1-2. When you trust God absolutely, He will fight your battle and deliver you from every aggression of the enemy. You just trust Him!
Now, repeat this after me with boldness; "I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around"-Psalm 3:6.
Like a lion that you are shout it; I am victorious!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Read Deut 11:10-12.
There is a reward for your waiting. There is a reward for your labour of love. Are you wondering when is it gonna be your turn to enter into your rest? Are you wondering when your breakthrough will come? In fact, I see you thinking; 'I have prayed, fasted, obeyed God and His word and trusted Him, yet the status quo remain'. Friend, have got good news for you. It is because God is at work preparing you and preparing your inheritance. Believe it, great things don't come easily and cheaply.
Notice vs. 10, "For the land which you go to possess is not like the land of Egypt from where you sowed your seed and watered it by foot, as a vegetable garden". You are no more a candidate for vegetable garden where you toil greatly and reap so little. You are a candidate for a field of God. God wants you to know that waiting is not wasting!
What He's preparing for you will settle you for life and will put a smile in your face. Don't despair, the prophecy over your life will manifest but there is always a time of trial and waiting for the word to come to pass. Beware, don't force things to happen by yourself because; "wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished..."-Prov 13:11a. "But those who wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint"- Isaiah 40:31.
The place of your rest is a great place. Hold on, keep the faith, He who has brought you thus far will keep you to the end. See vs. 11-12, "but the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and rains of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares, the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year". Glory! Halleluyah!!
Now, are you still in any doubt at all about where you are going to end or about what God wants to deliver into your hands?
Shout it to shame your enemy; I am waiting, I am not wasting!
Read Deut 11:10-12.
There is a reward for your waiting. There is a reward for your labour of love. Are you wondering when is it gonna be your turn to enter into your rest? Are you wondering when your breakthrough will come? In fact, I see you thinking; 'I have prayed, fasted, obeyed God and His word and trusted Him, yet the status quo remain'. Friend, have got good news for you. It is because God is at work preparing you and preparing your inheritance. Believe it, great things don't come easily and cheaply.
Notice vs. 10, "For the land which you go to possess is not like the land of Egypt from where you sowed your seed and watered it by foot, as a vegetable garden". You are no more a candidate for vegetable garden where you toil greatly and reap so little. You are a candidate for a field of God. God wants you to know that waiting is not wasting!
What He's preparing for you will settle you for life and will put a smile in your face. Don't despair, the prophecy over your life will manifest but there is always a time of trial and waiting for the word to come to pass. Beware, don't force things to happen by yourself because; "wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished..."-Prov 13:11a. "But those who wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint"- Isaiah 40:31.
The place of your rest is a great place. Hold on, keep the faith, He who has brought you thus far will keep you to the end. See vs. 11-12, "but the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and rains of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares, the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year". Glory! Halleluyah!!
Now, are you still in any doubt at all about where you are going to end or about what God wants to deliver into your hands?
Shout it to shame your enemy; I am waiting, I am not wasting!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Please read Deut 9:1-2.
How big is your problem? For how long have you been confronted with this obstacle? How mighty and strong is your adversary? Have got a good news for you if only you can cross over unto the Lords side. The Lord is saying today that He is ready to put your enemy to shame.
See vs.1, "Hear, O Isreal (put your name) you are to cross over to Jordan today, and go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourself, cities great and fortified up to heaven". Halleluyah! Do you know the kind of God that you serve? Do you know whom you believe? God is not a man that He would lie or the son of man that He would repent. When He says it, He would do it!
God is ready to put challenges away. He is still in the business of taken care of great and mighty challenges. You remember David and Goliath? Friend, you are of the Davidic generation, the generation that takes the battle to the enemy's camp. You serve a God that is mighty in battle. Notice vs.2..."A people great and tall, the descendants of the Anakim, whom you know, and of whom you have heard it said; 'who can stand before the descendant of Anak'".
Bro & Sis, for how long have you been confronted with this enemy, obstacle or challenge? In fact, the problem is now so familiar to you because it has been around you for years, you even know the name. It is time for you to cross over unto the Lords side so He can make your enemy your footstool. I challenge you to come to Him today so that He can fight your battle. Every ancestral issues that has become a norm in your family, that has become great and tall in your lineage, God is saying to you today; I am ready to deal with it!
Declare it; My God is bigger than any of my problem.
Please read Deut 9:1-2.
How big is your problem? For how long have you been confronted with this obstacle? How mighty and strong is your adversary? Have got a good news for you if only you can cross over unto the Lords side. The Lord is saying today that He is ready to put your enemy to shame.
See vs.1, "Hear, O Isreal (put your name) you are to cross over to Jordan today, and go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourself, cities great and fortified up to heaven". Halleluyah! Do you know the kind of God that you serve? Do you know whom you believe? God is not a man that He would lie or the son of man that He would repent. When He says it, He would do it!
God is ready to put challenges away. He is still in the business of taken care of great and mighty challenges. You remember David and Goliath? Friend, you are of the Davidic generation, the generation that takes the battle to the enemy's camp. You serve a God that is mighty in battle. Notice vs.2..."A people great and tall, the descendants of the Anakim, whom you know, and of whom you have heard it said; 'who can stand before the descendant of Anak'".
Bro & Sis, for how long have you been confronted with this enemy, obstacle or challenge? In fact, the problem is now so familiar to you because it has been around you for years, you even know the name. It is time for you to cross over unto the Lords side so He can make your enemy your footstool. I challenge you to come to Him today so that He can fight your battle. Every ancestral issues that has become a norm in your family, that has become great and tall in your lineage, God is saying to you today; I am ready to deal with it!
Declare it; My God is bigger than any of my problem.
Deut 8:2..."And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to HUMBLE you and TEST you, whether you would keep his commandment or not".
Your elevation in life is subject to passing the test of God. God is not moved by your emotions but your ability to abide by His principle. You can't blackmail Him by your crying or murmuring. Until you are put on a scale of testing and not found wanting, you can't be a candidate for the promised land.
To HUMBLE yourself is to destroy the independent power or will. God hates pride. You will be on the same level until you are ready to loose your independence and totally be dependent on Him. Until you declare; Lord, let thy will be done in my life, you are not yet a candidate for elevation. God hates those who are haughty in nature. Isreal spent forty years in the wilderness because they were unable to pass the test of humility.
To be humble is to resist pride and arrogance. To be humble is to be modest. Until Joseph pass the test he was not promoted to the palace. It does not matter the number of years you spend on one spot, God is not moved. Pride kills, that's why God wants to save you from what can kill you and your destiny. Joseph had a great dream, his destiny was to be great but until pride was totally eroded he did not get to the throne. He got tested for many years. Gen37:7-11 (his dreams), pride is depending on yourself and a fellow human being. Gen 40:14, the "me" syndrome was preventing Joseph from accessing his inheritance. In Gen 41:16, Joseph realised..."It is not 'me', God will...". Until you acknowledge Him and surrender all, you are not fit for the throne.
Why not declare it today; Lord, I surrender all to you, grace for humility grant unto me.
Deut 8:2..."And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to HUMBLE you and TEST you, whether you would keep his commandment or not".
Your elevation in life is subject to passing the test of God. God is not moved by your emotions but your ability to abide by His principle. You can't blackmail Him by your crying or murmuring. Until you are put on a scale of testing and not found wanting, you can't be a candidate for the promised land.
To HUMBLE yourself is to destroy the independent power or will. God hates pride. You will be on the same level until you are ready to loose your independence and totally be dependent on Him. Until you declare; Lord, let thy will be done in my life, you are not yet a candidate for elevation. God hates those who are haughty in nature. Isreal spent forty years in the wilderness because they were unable to pass the test of humility.
To be humble is to resist pride and arrogance. To be humble is to be modest. Until Joseph pass the test he was not promoted to the palace. It does not matter the number of years you spend on one spot, God is not moved. Pride kills, that's why God wants to save you from what can kill you and your destiny. Joseph had a great dream, his destiny was to be great but until pride was totally eroded he did not get to the throne. He got tested for many years. Gen37:7-11 (his dreams), pride is depending on yourself and a fellow human being. Gen 40:14, the "me" syndrome was preventing Joseph from accessing his inheritance. In Gen 41:16, Joseph realised..."It is not 'me', God will...". Until you acknowledge Him and surrender all, you are not fit for the throne.
Why not declare it today; Lord, I surrender all to you, grace for humility grant unto me.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Deut 8:1-3b...To get to your promised land, your ability to internalise, obey and carry out His commandments must stand sure. The WORD is the only thing that WORKS! The only assurance you have for your growth, enlargement and multiplication is the WORD of God! It is the guarantee for GOOD success! The success of the world is not enduring, it can't stand the test of time. It would FAIL!
See vs.1, "Every commandment which I command you today you must be careful to OBSERVE that you may live & multiply, and go in and possess the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers". It does not matter the kind of prophecy over your life, for it to manifest, you have to OBSERVE His word. God Himself promised the land but the possession is on the premise that they OBSERVE His commandment (WORD).
To OBSERVE is; to regard with attention. Do you regard the WORD of God? Do you give the word your attention? To OBSERVE is to learn. Is the word your teacher? Do you learn how to live and conduct your life from the word of God? To OBSERVE is to watch. Is the word your watchword? To OBSERVE is to keep or maintain in one's action. Do you keep the word in your heart? Are your actions and conducts based upon the word of God? To OBSERVE is to obey, comply with or conform to. Do you obey, comply with or conform to the word of God?
See vs. 3b..."That He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every WORD that PROCEEDS from the mouth of the LORD". Halleluyah!
PROCEEDS (present continuous) if you don't speak the language of God (which is His word), you will be paralyse by history. It is the proceeding word that guarantees your distinction in life. When the word comes it check mates your adversary.
Friends, it is the word that closes an old, and opens a new. The word is about your destiny. It is what predicts God's purpose for you. I challenge you today to take responsibility for the word. It is a personal journey.
Pray with me; Father, let your word work in me!
Deut 8:1-3b...To get to your promised land, your ability to internalise, obey and carry out His commandments must stand sure. The WORD is the only thing that WORKS! The only assurance you have for your growth, enlargement and multiplication is the WORD of God! It is the guarantee for GOOD success! The success of the world is not enduring, it can't stand the test of time. It would FAIL!
See vs.1, "Every commandment which I command you today you must be careful to OBSERVE that you may live & multiply, and go in and possess the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers". It does not matter the kind of prophecy over your life, for it to manifest, you have to OBSERVE His word. God Himself promised the land but the possession is on the premise that they OBSERVE His commandment (WORD).
To OBSERVE is; to regard with attention. Do you regard the WORD of God? Do you give the word your attention? To OBSERVE is to learn. Is the word your teacher? Do you learn how to live and conduct your life from the word of God? To OBSERVE is to watch. Is the word your watchword? To OBSERVE is to keep or maintain in one's action. Do you keep the word in your heart? Are your actions and conducts based upon the word of God? To OBSERVE is to obey, comply with or conform to. Do you obey, comply with or conform to the word of God?
See vs. 3b..."That He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every WORD that PROCEEDS from the mouth of the LORD". Halleluyah!
PROCEEDS (present continuous) if you don't speak the language of God (which is His word), you will be paralyse by history. It is the proceeding word that guarantees your distinction in life. When the word comes it check mates your adversary.
Friends, it is the word that closes an old, and opens a new. The word is about your destiny. It is what predicts God's purpose for you. I challenge you today to take responsibility for the word. It is a personal journey.
Pray with me; Father, let your word work in me!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Deut 6:20-25.
A heart that is thoughtful will be thankful. Do you ever thank the Lord about what He has done in your life? Do you ever thank Him for things He has done and He's still doing in your life? He is the one that has brought you thus far. Do you acknowledge Him?
It is time to PAUSE! Then, THINK! In vs. 20-23..."When your son ask you in time to come saying; what is the meaning of the testimonies, statutes, and the judgements which the Lord our God commanded you? Then you shall say to your son; we were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt, and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and the Lord showed signs and wonders before our very eyes, great and severe, against Egypt, Pharaoh and all his household. Then He brought us out from there, that He might bring us in, to give us the land of which He swore to our fathers".
Words of thanksgiving by the Isrealites to their children for what God has done for them. Do you boast to your children & people around you as if your hands or knowledge or degrees is what has brought you thus far in life? Only those who can pause, then think back could appreciate the mighty hands of God in their journey into destiny.
Do you even thank Him for sleeping and waking up? The unwise may say; if I can't sleep, I will use a sleeping pill. But, I ask you, can you get a waking up pill? Friends, today, as you read this words, why don't you pause, think and look back, and see if God has not been good to you. That you are alive is a testament that God has not finished with you yet, therefore, thank Him!
Thanking God is not the absence of trouble in your life but it is an understanding that when everything looks chaotic, because you are thoughtful, you can see above the chaos and attacks that Satan blows in your way. Although, you are glancing at the debris around where you stand, you can still see God and say, Father I thank you!
Why not shout it louder today; Father, I thank you!
Deut 6:20-25.
A heart that is thoughtful will be thankful. Do you ever thank the Lord about what He has done in your life? Do you ever thank Him for things He has done and He's still doing in your life? He is the one that has brought you thus far. Do you acknowledge Him?
It is time to PAUSE! Then, THINK! In vs. 20-23..."When your son ask you in time to come saying; what is the meaning of the testimonies, statutes, and the judgements which the Lord our God commanded you? Then you shall say to your son; we were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt, and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and the Lord showed signs and wonders before our very eyes, great and severe, against Egypt, Pharaoh and all his household. Then He brought us out from there, that He might bring us in, to give us the land of which He swore to our fathers".
Words of thanksgiving by the Isrealites to their children for what God has done for them. Do you boast to your children & people around you as if your hands or knowledge or degrees is what has brought you thus far in life? Only those who can pause, then think back could appreciate the mighty hands of God in their journey into destiny.
Do you even thank Him for sleeping and waking up? The unwise may say; if I can't sleep, I will use a sleeping pill. But, I ask you, can you get a waking up pill? Friends, today, as you read this words, why don't you pause, think and look back, and see if God has not been good to you. That you are alive is a testament that God has not finished with you yet, therefore, thank Him!
Thanking God is not the absence of trouble in your life but it is an understanding that when everything looks chaotic, because you are thoughtful, you can see above the chaos and attacks that Satan blows in your way. Although, you are glancing at the debris around where you stand, you can still see God and say, Father I thank you!
Why not shout it louder today; Father, I thank you!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Deut. 5:24-30...How much do you fear God? Do you reverence Him? Do you stand in awe of Him? "Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling"- Psalm 2:11. "The Lord is a friend to those who fear Him..." -Psalm 25:14a. He will bless those who fear the Lord, both great and lowly"- Psalm 115:13.
Friends, when you fear God, your journey into destiny fulfilment is guaranteed. In Deut 26:5, the children of Isreal said to Moses; "For who is there of all flesh who has heard the voice of the living God speaking from the midst of fire, as we have and lived? God answered and said in vs 28-29...I have heard the voice of the words of this people which they have spoken and they are right. Oh! That they would FEAR me and always keep my commandments, that it might be well with them and their children forever! Halleluyah!
The only guarantee for your success is the FEAR of God! It guarantees blessing upon you and upon your fruits. In vs 30, God declared to the children of Isreal because they fear Him thru Moses; Go and say to them, return to your TENTS! Tent means to cover, secure & framed, fastened, to protect, to extend and to stretch. You can't fear God and be stranded on the journey into your promised land.
Because you fear Him, He is saying to you, Go! Go is an action word, very active! He is not only telling you to keep moving but to your tent. There is a place of covering, that stretches, that is extended,fastened, framed and secured that He has provided for you.
When you fear God; He gives you superior wisdom and understanding to find solutions to the issues of your generation. The fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge- Prov1:7. When you fear God, you become a fear to your generation- 1Chrn 14:17.
I pray for you today, may the fear of God envelope you now in Jesus name!
Deut. 5:24-30...How much do you fear God? Do you reverence Him? Do you stand in awe of Him? "Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling"- Psalm 2:11. "The Lord is a friend to those who fear Him..." -Psalm 25:14a. He will bless those who fear the Lord, both great and lowly"- Psalm 115:13.
Friends, when you fear God, your journey into destiny fulfilment is guaranteed. In Deut 26:5, the children of Isreal said to Moses; "For who is there of all flesh who has heard the voice of the living God speaking from the midst of fire, as we have and lived? God answered and said in vs 28-29...I have heard the voice of the words of this people which they have spoken and they are right. Oh! That they would FEAR me and always keep my commandments, that it might be well with them and their children forever! Halleluyah!
The only guarantee for your success is the FEAR of God! It guarantees blessing upon you and upon your fruits. In vs 30, God declared to the children of Isreal because they fear Him thru Moses; Go and say to them, return to your TENTS! Tent means to cover, secure & framed, fastened, to protect, to extend and to stretch. You can't fear God and be stranded on the journey into your promised land.
Because you fear Him, He is saying to you, Go! Go is an action word, very active! He is not only telling you to keep moving but to your tent. There is a place of covering, that stretches, that is extended,fastened, framed and secured that He has provided for you.
When you fear God; He gives you superior wisdom and understanding to find solutions to the issues of your generation. The fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge- Prov1:7. When you fear God, you become a fear to your generation- 1Chrn 14:17.
I pray for you today, may the fear of God envelope you now in Jesus name!
Pls read Deut.4:23-30.
"For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God..." vs. 24. For every new level you attain in your journey into destiny, there is a new devil. Take heed, that your don't forget the God that have led you hitherto through all the challenges of life into a good place.
Human memory is often very short and we often forget where we are coming from. See vs 25..."In the future, when you have children and grandchildren and have lived in the land a long time, do not corrupt yourself by making idols of any kind. This is evil in the sight of the Lord your God and will arouse His anger...". It is ironical that man will be steadfast when situation is unpleasant but after the blessing of God, when you are now comfortable, you know more see God as your all in all.
It is a very dangerous trend that can only lead to destruction. The devil is going about roaring like a lion looking for whom to devour, the moment you take your hand off the plough, you give the devil room to enter. Idols are not only carved images but anything you hold in your heart above God. When you turn money, position, attainment, educational status etc into your idol, it is a dangerous trend.
God is a jealous God. He will not share His glory with any man or deity. You must remain steadfast, even when you get to your promised land. In fact, that is when you need Him most. See vs 30..."Therefore know this day, and consider it in your heart, that the Lord Himself is God in heaven, above and on the earth beneath; there is no other". Halleluyah!
Declare with me, I refuse to look back in Jesus name!
Pls read Deut.4:23-30.
"For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God..." vs. 24. For every new level you attain in your journey into destiny, there is a new devil. Take heed, that your don't forget the God that have led you hitherto through all the challenges of life into a good place.
Human memory is often very short and we often forget where we are coming from. See vs 25..."In the future, when you have children and grandchildren and have lived in the land a long time, do not corrupt yourself by making idols of any kind. This is evil in the sight of the Lord your God and will arouse His anger...". It is ironical that man will be steadfast when situation is unpleasant but after the blessing of God, when you are now comfortable, you know more see God as your all in all.
It is a very dangerous trend that can only lead to destruction. The devil is going about roaring like a lion looking for whom to devour, the moment you take your hand off the plough, you give the devil room to enter. Idols are not only carved images but anything you hold in your heart above God. When you turn money, position, attainment, educational status etc into your idol, it is a dangerous trend.
God is a jealous God. He will not share His glory with any man or deity. You must remain steadfast, even when you get to your promised land. In fact, that is when you need Him most. See vs 30..."Therefore know this day, and consider it in your heart, that the Lord Himself is God in heaven, above and on the earth beneath; there is no other". Halleluyah!
Declare with me, I refuse to look back in Jesus name!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Deut 4:1-10. The statutes, judgement, laws and the Word of God is to build us up and to put landmarks on our journey into destiny. When you hold tenaciously to the Word of God without adding to it or taken away from it, it remains the strength you need to keep following His lead on your way to your promised land.
See vs. 3, His word has the ability to do wonders and to help you destroy all the enemies that has positioned themselves on your way to destiny fulfilment. This landmarks (wonders) keeps your eyes on the goal. God is using it to assure you that if I can do this, trust me to do bigger things in the future that would make you a wonder to your generation.
Vs.6..."Therefore, be careful to obey completely & you will display your wisdom and intelligence among the surrounding nations. When they hear all this statutes, they will exclaim, How wise, prudent & understanding are the people of this great nation". " You are a city set on high that cannot be hidden!"
Your ability to trust Him, His Word and His deed are what guarantee your flying on eagles wing. The world will see you and know for sure that this is the hand of God. Your destiny is to be a wonder to your generation, the solution to the problem of your society.
I challenge you today to remember His works and how far He has brought you. Hold on to His word! It is time to 'turn', and say; God, I am ready! I will hold unto your hand and I will stay with you through the journey.
Deut 4:1-10. The statutes, judgement, laws and the Word of God is to build us up and to put landmarks on our journey into destiny. When you hold tenaciously to the Word of God without adding to it or taken away from it, it remains the strength you need to keep following His lead on your way to your promised land.
See vs. 3, His word has the ability to do wonders and to help you destroy all the enemies that has positioned themselves on your way to destiny fulfilment. This landmarks (wonders) keeps your eyes on the goal. God is using it to assure you that if I can do this, trust me to do bigger things in the future that would make you a wonder to your generation.
Vs.6..."Therefore, be careful to obey completely & you will display your wisdom and intelligence among the surrounding nations. When they hear all this statutes, they will exclaim, How wise, prudent & understanding are the people of this great nation". " You are a city set on high that cannot be hidden!"
Your ability to trust Him, His Word and His deed are what guarantee your flying on eagles wing. The world will see you and know for sure that this is the hand of God. Your destiny is to be a wonder to your generation, the solution to the problem of your society.
I challenge you today to remember His works and how far He has brought you. Hold on to His word! It is time to 'turn', and say; God, I am ready! I will hold unto your hand and I will stay with you through the journey.
God’s creation is grouped into three (3):
1. Some things God created by ‘speaking’ them into existence. This are inanimate things like the Sun and the Moon, these things have a BODY.
2. Some things He created by ‘speaking’ and ‘forming’ them. This are animals, they have a BODY and a SOUL.
3. He created man by ‘speaking’, ‘forming’ and ‘breathing’. That is, man came into existence with a BODY, a SOUL and a SPIRIT.
What set man apart from all other creation is the BREATH of God – Gen 2: 7. “RUACH” or “RUWACH” which means; WIND/SPIRIT. Man is distinguished from all creation because he has the Spirit of God within him- Gen 1: 26, that is, man functions like God.
5 ways in which man is like God are:
1. God is a Spirit likewise man is a spiritual being.
2. God is a rational being, that is, man also has knowledge, wisdom and the ability to think and make decisions. God and man can also appreciate beauty.
3. God is a moral being. He knows right from wrong, and good from evil. Likewise, man too knows right from wrong and can discern good from evil.
4. God is eternal just like eternity has been imputed into man.
5. God has power and dominion over all things in heaven and on earth, like wise, God gave man the capacity to have power and dominion over all the creation of God on the face of the earth.
Why did God create man?
1. God is love and we are the object of His love.
2. To worship Him.
3. Man is created for His glory.
Man is the crowning glory of God’s creation. Man is the creation made in His likeness. We are the object of His love, the object of his affection – Psalm 8: 1-6. In vs. 4, “what is man that thou art mindful of him? Mindful means ‘care’. God anticipates our need and provided for it. In vs 5,’Elohim’ means God. God puts all the works of His hand under the dominion of man. He made man second to Himself.
Lucifer did not like this; therefore he decided to get back at God. He knows how much God hates sin – Job 15:15, Hab. 1: 13. He decided to put what God hates the most into what God loves the most thereby creating enmity between God and man. God gave a clear instruction when He puts man in the Garden of Eden – Gen 2:7-8, 15-17. All this was while man was innocent – Gen 2: 25.
• Innocence is purity due to lack of exposure to sin
• Holiness is purity in spite of exposure to sin.
In Genesis 3: 1-3 – Serpent is used to personify the nature of the devil i.e. beautiful yet dangerous, sly, cunning and crafty. “DIABOLOS” which means; deceive or diabolical, he does not confront but highly deceptive – John 8: 44.
In Genesis 3: 2 – “ And he said to the woman” The devil isolates people before destroying them. He knows there is power in togetherness therefore his first weapon is to isolate his target – Ecl. 4: 8-12. We are vulnerable when we walk alone, if you are not talking to God or God’s people, the devil is definitely talking to you.
Why Eve?
1. God gave instruction directly to Adam, Eve must have received the message second hand. It goes to show that someone else’s revelation will never be useful to you until it becomes your revelation.
2. Eve’s understanding of what God said was not accurate. Compare Gen 2: 17 with Gen 3:3. A lot of Christians are raised on wrong assumptions concerning what God’s word says. It is important to search the scripture yourself at all times.
3. Eve was the closeness Adam. When the devil can’t get you, he attempts the one closest person to you that is why it is important to cover your loved ones in prayer.
The 3 strategy of the devil against Eve are:
1. He questions God’s word - “Has God indeed said” “Did God really say?” You must be grounded in the Word of God without any doubt in your mind as to what God said or meant.
2. He challenged God’s faithfulness in Gen. 3:4-5 by telling Eve that there is something good for her and God does not want her to have it. In whatever you are doing don’t doubt God’s faithfulness.
3. The devil attacked Eve’s self esteem. He deceived her by telling her; she’s not good enough and that eating the fruit will give her what she’s lacking. He tried this trick on Jesus in Matt. 3:17 – 4:3. You must have no doubt whatsoever about who you are in Christ Jesus.
Note 3 things above:
1. The process of temptation is always a gradual one.
2. Proximity – Sin is geographical. We become more susceptible to sin when we put ourselves in the location where it is very easy to sin. The greater the distance, the more likely you are to overcome sin.
3. Two common words describe what our attitude should be to temptation:
(a) ABSTAIN – 1Thess. 5:22....Refrain!
(b) FLEE – 1Cor.6:18, 10:14. Tim2:22....”Phengo” – to escape, run away and to vanish.
NOTE: In all this the devil never told Eve to do anything, he gave her no instruction. All he gave her was a suggestion; “If you eat your eyes will be opened.” Eve acknowledged it was her decision n Gen. 3:13.
The devil has no power to force you to sin, he can only deceive you. You can’t fall into temptation until you believe the devil’s lie. God never gives us suggestions. God will tell you in plain language what He expects you to do.
As a result of the devils deception, Eve drew three conclusions:
1. It was good for food
2. It was pleasant to the eyes
3. It was desirable to make one wise
Every temptation of the devil falls into one of the 3 categories – 1John 2: 15-17.
The lust of the flesh desires pleasure, the lust of the eyes desires possession and the pride of life desires position.
The devil tempted Jesus on each of these 3 categories in Luke 4:1-13, vs.3 & 4 deals with flesh, vs. 5-8 deals with pleasure of the eye and possession and vs. 9-12 deals with pride of life, that is, position.
The moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they fell.
4 consequences of the fall are:
1. A sense of shame, guilt and fear came upon them. Compare Gen 3:7-10 to Gen 2:25, the glory of God, man’s covering departed- Psalm 8:5. The righteousness of God was gone- Isaiah 61:10. From this time, man has to come up with his own covering which is not adequate- Gen3:7, Isaiah 64:6.
2. They died spiritually and this have 3 implications:
(a) Separated from God- Gen 3:23
(b) Their spirit became dormant and
(c) Sense of moral judgement was perverted- Isaiah 5:20
3. Man becomes a slave to the devil:
(a) By obeying the devil, man forfeited his authority and dominion over the earth to the devil- Romans 6:16
(b) By deceit, the devil took over rulership of this world- Luke 4:5-6.
4. Man incurred the curse of the law- Gen 3:16-19. As a result man incurred sickness, poverty and death- Deut. 28:15-68.
God’s creation is grouped into three (3):
1. Some things God created by ‘speaking’ them into existence. This are inanimate things like the Sun and the Moon, these things have a BODY.
2. Some things He created by ‘speaking’ and ‘forming’ them. This are animals, they have a BODY and a SOUL.
3. He created man by ‘speaking’, ‘forming’ and ‘breathing’. That is, man came into existence with a BODY, a SOUL and a SPIRIT.
What set man apart from all other creation is the BREATH of God – Gen 2: 7. “RUACH” or “RUWACH” which means; WIND/SPIRIT. Man is distinguished from all creation because he has the Spirit of God within him- Gen 1: 26, that is, man functions like God.
5 ways in which man is like God are:
1. God is a Spirit likewise man is a spiritual being.
2. God is a rational being, that is, man also has knowledge, wisdom and the ability to think and make decisions. God and man can also appreciate beauty.
3. God is a moral being. He knows right from wrong, and good from evil. Likewise, man too knows right from wrong and can discern good from evil.
4. God is eternal just like eternity has been imputed into man.
5. God has power and dominion over all things in heaven and on earth, like wise, God gave man the capacity to have power and dominion over all the creation of God on the face of the earth.
Why did God create man?
1. God is love and we are the object of His love.
2. To worship Him.
3. Man is created for His glory.
Man is the crowning glory of God’s creation. Man is the creation made in His likeness. We are the object of His love, the object of his affection – Psalm 8: 1-6. In vs. 4, “what is man that thou art mindful of him? Mindful means ‘care’. God anticipates our need and provided for it. In vs 5,’Elohim’ means God. God puts all the works of His hand under the dominion of man. He made man second to Himself.
Lucifer did not like this; therefore he decided to get back at God. He knows how much God hates sin – Job 15:15, Hab. 1: 13. He decided to put what God hates the most into what God loves the most thereby creating enmity between God and man. God gave a clear instruction when He puts man in the Garden of Eden – Gen 2:7-8, 15-17. All this was while man was innocent – Gen 2: 25.
• Innocence is purity due to lack of exposure to sin
• Holiness is purity in spite of exposure to sin.
In Genesis 3: 1-3 – Serpent is used to personify the nature of the devil i.e. beautiful yet dangerous, sly, cunning and crafty. “DIABOLOS” which means; deceive or diabolical, he does not confront but highly deceptive – John 8: 44.
In Genesis 3: 2 – “ And he said to the woman” The devil isolates people before destroying them. He knows there is power in togetherness therefore his first weapon is to isolate his target – Ecl. 4: 8-12. We are vulnerable when we walk alone, if you are not talking to God or God’s people, the devil is definitely talking to you.
Why Eve?
1. God gave instruction directly to Adam, Eve must have received the message second hand. It goes to show that someone else’s revelation will never be useful to you until it becomes your revelation.
2. Eve’s understanding of what God said was not accurate. Compare Gen 2: 17 with Gen 3:3. A lot of Christians are raised on wrong assumptions concerning what God’s word says. It is important to search the scripture yourself at all times.
3. Eve was the closeness Adam. When the devil can’t get you, he attempts the one closest person to you that is why it is important to cover your loved ones in prayer.
The 3 strategy of the devil against Eve are:
1. He questions God’s word - “Has God indeed said” “Did God really say?” You must be grounded in the Word of God without any doubt in your mind as to what God said or meant.
2. He challenged God’s faithfulness in Gen. 3:4-5 by telling Eve that there is something good for her and God does not want her to have it. In whatever you are doing don’t doubt God’s faithfulness.
3. The devil attacked Eve’s self esteem. He deceived her by telling her; she’s not good enough and that eating the fruit will give her what she’s lacking. He tried this trick on Jesus in Matt. 3:17 – 4:3. You must have no doubt whatsoever about who you are in Christ Jesus.
Note 3 things above:
1. The process of temptation is always a gradual one.
2. Proximity – Sin is geographical. We become more susceptible to sin when we put ourselves in the location where it is very easy to sin. The greater the distance, the more likely you are to overcome sin.
3. Two common words describe what our attitude should be to temptation:
(a) ABSTAIN – 1Thess. 5:22....Refrain!
(b) FLEE – 1Cor.6:18, 10:14. Tim2:22....”Phengo” – to escape, run away and to vanish.
NOTE: In all this the devil never told Eve to do anything, he gave her no instruction. All he gave her was a suggestion; “If you eat your eyes will be opened.” Eve acknowledged it was her decision n Gen. 3:13.
The devil has no power to force you to sin, he can only deceive you. You can’t fall into temptation until you believe the devil’s lie. God never gives us suggestions. God will tell you in plain language what He expects you to do.
As a result of the devils deception, Eve drew three conclusions:
1. It was good for food
2. It was pleasant to the eyes
3. It was desirable to make one wise
Every temptation of the devil falls into one of the 3 categories – 1John 2: 15-17.
The lust of the flesh desires pleasure, the lust of the eyes desires possession and the pride of life desires position.
The devil tempted Jesus on each of these 3 categories in Luke 4:1-13, vs.3 & 4 deals with flesh, vs. 5-8 deals with pleasure of the eye and possession and vs. 9-12 deals with pride of life, that is, position.
The moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they fell.
4 consequences of the fall are:
1. A sense of shame, guilt and fear came upon them. Compare Gen 3:7-10 to Gen 2:25, the glory of God, man’s covering departed- Psalm 8:5. The righteousness of God was gone- Isaiah 61:10. From this time, man has to come up with his own covering which is not adequate- Gen3:7, Isaiah 64:6.
2. They died spiritually and this have 3 implications:
(a) Separated from God- Gen 3:23
(b) Their spirit became dormant and
(c) Sense of moral judgement was perverted- Isaiah 5:20
3. Man becomes a slave to the devil:
(a) By obeying the devil, man forfeited his authority and dominion over the earth to the devil- Romans 6:16
(b) By deceit, the devil took over rulership of this world- Luke 4:5-6.
4. Man incurred the curse of the law- Gen 3:16-19. As a result man incurred sickness, poverty and death- Deut. 28:15-68.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Deut 3:1-7...When God is leading you to your promised land, He takes you through both the low and high lands, the mountains and the sea coast. It's not to make life difficult for you, what you need to do is to rest in the assurance that He's the one leading. The challenges on your journey to destiny is to train your hands for battle.
Every blessing you get in life is a spoil of war. Often times, you don't realise that there has been battles in the spiritual realm before some blessings get into your hands. Dan 10:12..."Daniel, for from the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven and I have come because of your prayers. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way for 21 days then, Michael, one of the arch angel came to help me..."
The devil and his agents do not want your head lifted up. As you follow His leading in prayer, fasting, meditation, service and worship you are in battle against the kingdom of the devil.
See Deut 3 vs 4, when the battle is won just like with Daniel, what you get is the spoil of war. Let the adversary and unrighteous continue to acquire possessions. They are acquiring it for the saints. In vs 7..."But all the livestock of the cities we took as booty for ourselves..."
You did not just 'turn' to follow His lead in vain and God is not taking you thru the challenges (battles & obstacles) for fun, He knows there in lies the secret to your lifting. Stop looking at challenges as an hindrance but a stepping stone into your promised land.
Welcome to your promised land!
Deut 3:1-7...When God is leading you to your promised land, He takes you through both the low and high lands, the mountains and the sea coast. It's not to make life difficult for you, what you need to do is to rest in the assurance that He's the one leading. The challenges on your journey to destiny is to train your hands for battle.
Every blessing you get in life is a spoil of war. Often times, you don't realise that there has been battles in the spiritual realm before some blessings get into your hands. Dan 10:12..."Daniel, for from the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven and I have come because of your prayers. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way for 21 days then, Michael, one of the arch angel came to help me..."
The devil and his agents do not want your head lifted up. As you follow His leading in prayer, fasting, meditation, service and worship you are in battle against the kingdom of the devil.
See Deut 3 vs 4, when the battle is won just like with Daniel, what you get is the spoil of war. Let the adversary and unrighteous continue to acquire possessions. They are acquiring it for the saints. In vs 7..."But all the livestock of the cities we took as booty for ourselves..."
You did not just 'turn' to follow His lead in vain and God is not taking you thru the challenges (battles & obstacles) for fun, He knows there in lies the secret to your lifting. Stop looking at challenges as an hindrance but a stepping stone into your promised land.
Welcome to your promised land!
Deutronomy 1:6-8
"The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: 'You have dwelt long enough at this mountain'. 'Turn and take your journey, and go to the mountains of the Amorites, to all the neighbouring places in the plain, in the mountains and in the lowland, in the South and on the sea coast, to the land of the Canaanites....See I have set the land before you; go in and posses the land....".
Our God is a good God! He would not only call you out from where you have tarried for a long time, He would always show you the way to take in order to get to the promised land. He is not a God of confusion, when He gives a word, he shows you how to accomplish it. When ever God ask you to move, it means He is ready to lead the way. Halleluyah!
See vs 7, He told them TURN! Your previous way can't take you to the promised land, your ideas, certificates, connections and degrees can't take you there either. There must be a 'turning' on your part before God can do the leading. If you don't turn, it means you are not ready to move. God have spoken, He is only waiting for you to turn and follow His lead...'Oba aranni nise fayati...'
But be aware that after your turning and His leading, you will still encounter the plain, the low land and the mountains. But, the assurance is that God is the one leading. The journey into destiny is not the absence of challenges but the presence of His leading.
The one who has called you into turning from your own way into His own way is capable of leading you through, no matter the obstacle on the way.
Welcome to your promised land IJN!
Deutronomy 1:6-8
"The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: 'You have dwelt long enough at this mountain'. 'Turn and take your journey, and go to the mountains of the Amorites, to all the neighbouring places in the plain, in the mountains and in the lowland, in the South and on the sea coast, to the land of the Canaanites....See I have set the land before you; go in and posses the land....".
Our God is a good God! He would not only call you out from where you have tarried for a long time, He would always show you the way to take in order to get to the promised land. He is not a God of confusion, when He gives a word, he shows you how to accomplish it. When ever God ask you to move, it means He is ready to lead the way. Halleluyah!
See vs 7, He told them TURN! Your previous way can't take you to the promised land, your ideas, certificates, connections and degrees can't take you there either. There must be a 'turning' on your part before God can do the leading. If you don't turn, it means you are not ready to move. God have spoken, He is only waiting for you to turn and follow His lead...'Oba aranni nise fayati...'
But be aware that after your turning and His leading, you will still encounter the plain, the low land and the mountains. But, the assurance is that God is the one leading. The journey into destiny is not the absence of challenges but the presence of His leading.
The one who has called you into turning from your own way into His own way is capable of leading you through, no matter the obstacle on the way.
Welcome to your promised land IJN!
When last did you worship God for who he is. Praise is thanksgiving and worship is a high form of praise. Worship is not for what he has done for you but a submission to the almighty God. It is to revere, adore and proclaim God's power and relevance.
Worship brings you into His throne room. Answers are released to issues of life in the place of worship; it is a short cut to getting answers. Thru worship power is released and judgement is executed on enemies because there is bound to be a fallen of Babylon always after true worship.
There can be hindrances to prayers but there are no hindrances to worship. You can pray amiss but you can't worship amiss. Rev.15:2-8, Ex.15:1-18.
Worship Him today!
When last did you worship God for who he is. Praise is thanksgiving and worship is a high form of praise. Worship is not for what he has done for you but a submission to the almighty God. It is to revere, adore and proclaim God's power and relevance.
Worship brings you into His throne room. Answers are released to issues of life in the place of worship; it is a short cut to getting answers. Thru worship power is released and judgement is executed on enemies because there is bound to be a fallen of Babylon always after true worship.
There can be hindrances to prayers but there are no hindrances to worship. You can pray amiss but you can't worship amiss. Rev.15:2-8, Ex.15:1-18.
Worship Him today!
"Then Jephthah went with the Elders of Gilead, and the People made him head and Captain over them" (Judges 11vs 11).
Observe closely, that the Elders of Gilead came back to Jephthah and begged him to come back to his homeland. After mistreating, ridiculing, and abusing him they came back and apologized. Notice, when they came, they made him a BETTER OFFER. They made him what we would probably call 'PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF'. Wow! This is simply exciting!
This is just the definition of God's concept of RESTORATION! He doesn't take you back to the same level. He doesn't watch you lose a job, only to give you another on the same level, He gives something better. He doesn't watch that man walk away from your life, only to give you a man of the same quality. He gives something better!
The Scriptures captures it in Isaiah 61 vs. 7 "For Your shame, you shall have double!" Today, celebrate the losses around you, SOMETHING BETTER is coming! In the eyes of men, you may have lost but in the eyes of God, something better is coming! The disappointment of yesterday will serve as a platform for your increase tomorrow.
He lost a place in his immediate family but he gained the highest position in the city.
He took a quantum leap!
He exceeded expectations!
He gained new grounds!
God is giving you a restoration that will break previous limits!
Declare to yourself 'I receive double for all losses and shame'.
"Then Jephthah went with the Elders of Gilead, and the People made him head and Captain over them" (Judges 11vs 11).
Observe closely, that the Elders of Gilead came back to Jephthah and begged him to come back to his homeland. After mistreating, ridiculing, and abusing him they came back and apologized. Notice, when they came, they made him a BETTER OFFER. They made him what we would probably call 'PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF'. Wow! This is simply exciting!
This is just the definition of God's concept of RESTORATION! He doesn't take you back to the same level. He doesn't watch you lose a job, only to give you another on the same level, He gives something better. He doesn't watch that man walk away from your life, only to give you a man of the same quality. He gives something better!
The Scriptures captures it in Isaiah 61 vs. 7 "For Your shame, you shall have double!" Today, celebrate the losses around you, SOMETHING BETTER is coming! In the eyes of men, you may have lost but in the eyes of God, something better is coming! The disappointment of yesterday will serve as a platform for your increase tomorrow.
He lost a place in his immediate family but he gained the highest position in the city.
He took a quantum leap!
He exceeded expectations!
He gained new grounds!
God is giving you a restoration that will break previous limits!
Declare to yourself 'I receive double for all losses and shame'.
There would always be times in every believer’s life that circumstances don't add up and when God does not appear to make sense - Rom 11:33. When you seem not to be able to trace him, please learn to trust Him. Sometimes, it can be painful to accept the reality of life - Job23:2-10. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better - Ex 5:15-23.
Pray for God to open your eyes to see that He's helping to grow your faith in what you are going through. Many things shred our faith but what the devil does not know is that after the faith has been shredded, it’s still faith...”if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, ye shall ask the mountain to move and it shall move”...Hallelujah!
Enjoy your night/wilderness season friends, behold morning is about to break!
There would always be times in every believer’s life that circumstances don't add up and when God does not appear to make sense - Rom 11:33. When you seem not to be able to trace him, please learn to trust Him. Sometimes, it can be painful to accept the reality of life - Job23:2-10. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better - Ex 5:15-23.
Pray for God to open your eyes to see that He's helping to grow your faith in what you are going through. Many things shred our faith but what the devil does not know is that after the faith has been shredded, it’s still faith...”if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, ye shall ask the mountain to move and it shall move”...Hallelujah!
Enjoy your night/wilderness season friends, behold morning is about to break!
Dear friends, if you take time to observe, to be still and sensitive in the spirit you will realise that the devil is always competing for the same thing God is demanding from you as offering. In Exod. 25:1-3, God told Moses that he demands an offering from the children of Israel. God asked for Gold, silver, bronze etc. Immediately Moses left for Mount Sinai to receive the pattern for the sacrifice and the Ten Commandments, they became impatient and decided to make a 'god' for themselves.
Now, in Exod.32:1-4 they submitted their gold and other things. The same thing God had asked for as offering to Himself in Exod. 25:1-3. The devil led them to submit these items to Aaron and they made a golden/moulded calf and called it their 'god'. The God that we serve is a jealous God-Exod. 32:7-10. Friends, what is in your hand/life today that the devil is competing with God for? Is it money, fame, position, time or material possession? Submit/offer it to God today! Do not wait for the devil to tempt you!
Dear friends, if you take time to observe, to be still and sensitive in the spirit you will realise that the devil is always competing for the same thing God is demanding from you as offering. In Exod. 25:1-3, God told Moses that he demands an offering from the children of Israel. God asked for Gold, silver, bronze etc. Immediately Moses left for Mount Sinai to receive the pattern for the sacrifice and the Ten Commandments, they became impatient and decided to make a 'god' for themselves.
Now, in Exod.32:1-4 they submitted their gold and other things. The same thing God had asked for as offering to Himself in Exod. 25:1-3. The devil led them to submit these items to Aaron and they made a golden/moulded calf and called it their 'god'. The God that we serve is a jealous God-Exod. 32:7-10. Friends, what is in your hand/life today that the devil is competing with God for? Is it money, fame, position, time or material possession? Submit/offer it to God today! Do not wait for the devil to tempt you!
The Word and the Spirit always work in harmony. They complement and complete each other. God works powerfully within the realm of agreement. Jesus said, "Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonise together, make a symphony together) about whatever {anything and everything} they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by my Father in heaven" - Matt. 18: 19.
Now, see verse 18 of that Matt. 18, Jesus told the disciples, "Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven". In other words, anything we do as a kingdom of priests must come from the third realm. You can't live like the devil and expect to hear God's word in prayer. And you certainly can't declare anything in prayer, expecting it to happen, when you are out of agreement with God!
Are you in harmony with God? Is your life functioning according to God's pattern? If not, you will never see or experience His victorious glory.When you break the pattern, you ignore the works of Christ - and His sacrifice was too costly to ignore.
The Word and the Spirit always work in harmony. They complement and complete each other. God works powerfully within the realm of agreement. Jesus said, "Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonise together, make a symphony together) about whatever {anything and everything} they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by my Father in heaven" - Matt. 18: 19.
Now, see verse 18 of that Matt. 18, Jesus told the disciples, "Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven". In other words, anything we do as a kingdom of priests must come from the third realm. You can't live like the devil and expect to hear God's word in prayer. And you certainly can't declare anything in prayer, expecting it to happen, when you are out of agreement with God!
Are you in harmony with God? Is your life functioning according to God's pattern? If not, you will never see or experience His victorious glory.When you break the pattern, you ignore the works of Christ - and His sacrifice was too costly to ignore.
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