Friday, September 7, 2012


Luke 15:1-7,11-32.
"So he answered and said to His father, Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandments at anytime, and yet you never gave me a young goat that I might make merry with my friends"- vs. 29.

We all know the parable of the prodigal son as recorded in the text for today, but the focus is not on the prodigal son but his older brother who was obedient and was at home serving the father. Are you like the older brother who feels that its by his own power that he was able to stay at home serving the father? Do you think because you are a Pastor, a worship leader, Usher or a worker in Church, you are superior to that man struggling with his christian life and faith?

It is time to know that, the same grace that brought the younger son to his senses, to go home is the same grace that kept the older brother in the house. The fact that you are serving God and faithful does not give you the right to look down on those who are weak in faith and are in sin. After all, he came for such that are struggling because the healthy need no physician but the one who is sick. "Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes complained saying, 'this man receives sinners and eats with them'"- vs. 1-2. Are you like the Pharisees?

Friend, it is only the grace of the father that kept you standing in His house. The moment you start to think like the older brother of the prodigal son, that thinks its all by his power and effort, you've missed it. The prodigal son, that is, that sinner is also created in the image of the father, and grace is still available to bring him to the knowledge and love of the father.

Pray with me; Lord, keep me grounded that I might know am standing by your grace.


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