Monday, October 15, 2012


Matt 14:28-30..."Then Peter called to him, Lord if its really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water. Yes, come, Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. But when he SAW the strong wind and the waves he was terrified and began to sink".

My question to you this morning is; what are you fixing your eyes on? In the midst of all the trouble and challenges that you face in life, what you fix your eyes on for solution will determine if you are going to walk over those troubles of life or weather the trouble and challenges will sink you.

A lot of Christians are like Peter, they loose focus of Jesus, and they start to focus on the challenges around them. In vs 28, Peter was conscious of the presence of Jesus, he fixed his eyes on Jesus (not that the waves and turbulence was not present at the time) and just like Jesus, he walked upon the turbulent waters. Now, see vs 30, "But when he SAW the strong winds and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink". The moment he gave attention to the turbulence around him, he began to sink.

What you give attention to determines what responds to you. Fix your eyes on Jesus, not on the problem. The moment your eyes is taken off God, you will sink in the troubles of life. You have to look up to Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. A lot of Christians are so problem conscious, all they talk about is the problem but not the solver of the problem.

Fix your eyes on Him alone and you will see Jesus showing you the way to walk over the problem and challenges of your life.

Pray with me; Father, I fixed my gaze on you to ride upon every turbulent water of life!


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