Thursday, August 16, 2012


Gen.2:15-"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep". Tend means, to attend to, to look after; watch over and care for. God put the man He created in a "location" called Eden to tend it, that is, to look after, watch over and care for it. Man is to take charge, to add value, and to package his destiny very well.

Friend, how are you looking after, watching over and caring for your own garden? Your garden is your destiny, its your sphere of influence, its the location of your reigning in life. Do you value it? What you don't value, men would not value. When you stop keeping the garden, enemies will creep in.

You need to come to the understanding of who you are. You are created in the image of God. The bible says; "you are fearfully and wonderfully created" to reign within your own location. Even, your enemy knows and acknowledge that as a child of God, you are a mighty man of valour. But how do you see yourself? It is important to keep and tend and prevent any loophole for the enemy to come in and steal your joy. Your ability to reign in life is based on your ability to tend, care and watch over where God has placed you in life.

You can't afford to live a careless and carefree life. In fact, that life of yours is not even yours! You will account for how you use, care and guard that life that God has given you. The moment you are not reigning, you have subjected other destinies tied to yours to failure. Friend, the world is waiting for your manifestation. Wake Up!

Declare it with me; I will tend my garden!


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